Ana Claudia Devara - Argumentation in the print media: The World Cup 2014
Andressa Cristina Molinari - Pedagogia deliberativa na formação de professores de inglês: uma experiência no curso de Letras
Alessandra Ferraz Tutida - Teaching English to kids: raising questions about teacher training and knowledges of the practicum
Eduardo Pimentel da Rocha - Possibilities and challenges on the English teachers training to individuals with Asperger Syndrome
Euclides Hélio de Fátima Campos Borges - Referencing and adjectives: one ideological and argumentative analysis of the genre report
Geovana Lourenço de Carvalho - Letramento digital em livros didáticos de português do ensino médio
Larissa Sigulo Freire - The discursive constitution of the short short story in the cyberspace
Mayara Yukari Kato - (De)construction of Drummond's chronicles : enunciative heterogeneity and effects of meaning
Mariana Guedes Seccato - Language policies and teaching practice representations in the first stage of elementary school
Rayane Isadora Lenharo - Social participation through music and English language learning in a context of social vulnerability