Currently PPGEL offers scholarships to the Master’s and PhD students in the following modalities:
a) CAPES/Social Demand)(CAPES/DS) scholarships, being two of them from the Research and Graduate Studies Office quota (CAPES/DS-DEAN’S OFFICE);
b) CAPES/ PhD Sandwich Program abroad (CAPES/PDSE)
c) Fundação Araucária (ARAUCÁRIA) scholarships.
In addition, PPGEL offers a scholarship for post-doctoral practicum from the CAPES National Post-doctoral Program (CAPES/PNPD).
Granting agencies criteria for awarding and/or renewing scholarships are distinct for each scholarship modality.
CAPES/DS scholarships are regulated by CAPES ordinance 76 of Apr. 14 2010.
Ordinance CAPES/CNPq 1 of July 15 2010 complements this joint ordinance and specifies the possibility for a scholarship holder to receive financial complementation from other sources. In order to answer eventual questions related to this CAPES/CNPq joint ordinance, the Note on scholarship and employment accumulation and the CAPES president gave the following interview. At any rate, considering the controversy generated on this subject, it is important to inform that the possibility expressed in the Joint Ordinance is only valid for students who have already been granted with a scholarship; therefore, it does not apply to those who, by being employed, are applying for a scholarship.
CAPES/DS-PRO RECTORSHIP scholarships follow the same CAPES/DS regulations. The difference is that, by being from the PROPPG – Research and Graduate Studies Office’s quota rather than from the PPGEL Program, these scholarships , when returned to PROPPG, will meet the demand from all UEL graduate programs, according to the criteria established by the PROPPG.
CAPES/DS scholarships deadlines:
MASTER’S DEGREE: 12- month scholarship, renewable for 12 months (total:24 months), provided the deadline for the conclusion of the course and renewal norms have been respected.
PhD DEGREE: 12-month scholarship, renewable for 36 months, maximum (total: 48 months), provided the deadline for the conclusion of the course and renewal norms are respected. The renewal must be requested by the scholarship holder every 12 months and will be always granted for 12 months.
Scholarships granted by Fundação ARAUCÁRIA depend on the Fundação Araucária Calls for Participation directed to Institutions of Higher Education in the State of Paraná. Thus, they do not follow a regular calendar and their norms are subordinated to the specificities of each Public Call (PC)l. Current ARAUCÁRIA scholarships refer to PCs from 10/2010, 07/2012 and 11/2014.
CAPES/DS – Master’s Degree Program: R$ 1.500,00; PhD Program: R$ 2.200,00.
ARAUCÁRIA – PhD Degree Program: R$ 2.700,00.
Regular PPGEL students interested in getting a scholarship must wait for the Calls from the Scholarship Committee, which are sent to all students via email. Next, they must express their interest in applying for the scholarship, respecting the deadline included in the Call.
These Calls are issued based on the availability of the quotas originating from reconfirmation by the funding agencies, granting of new scholarships or openings after the defense of the dissertation/thesis – according with the criteria presented next.
Program criteria for granting scholarships:
I) seniority in the program;
II) research line the student is currently engaged in ( distribution balance among the lines);
III) final grade of the student at the end of the selection process.
In cases of a tie between candidates for the Master’s Program, the following grades from the selection process will be considered):
I) written test
II) project;
III) curriculum;
IV) oral test.
In case of a tie between candidates for the PhD Program, the following grades from the selection process will be considered:
I) project;
I) curriculum;
III) written test;
IV) The Call for Scholarships ends after all scholarships have been granted to selected students, eventually taking into consideration a waiting list. After the process is finalized, a new Call for Scholarships may be issued to all PPGEL regular students in case there are any scholarships available.
After being granted with a CAPES/DS scholarship, holders must filled out a specific form, get the approval of the advisor and scan and send it to CAPES/DS Scholarship Holder Commitment Term with PPGEL and to the email
5.2) Scholarship Renewal
To apply for a CAPES/DS scholarship renewal, applicants should filled out a specific form, get the approval of the advisor, and scan and send it to CAPES/DS Scholarship Renewal Application to the e-mail, one month before the scholarship renewal expiration date.
During the effective period of the CAPES/DS scholarship, the scholarship holder must:
a) submit an annual academic production report;
b) show evidence of satisfactory academic performance ( no failing grades);
c) participate in the organization of the In Process Theses and Dissertations Seminar (SEDATA) every year as a scholarship holder;;
d) Fulfill all the special activities required by the Program regulation: ( 5 (five) special activities credits for the MASTER’S Degree program; 7 (seven) mandatory special activities credits for the PhD program. Special activities include participation in events, publication of articles and paper presentations as described in Art. 3, 4, 6 and Annex of the respective Resolutions for each student (see resolutions at Curriculum: disciplines, programs and resolutions);
e) collaborate (organization, use of multimedia, etc.) with the Defense/ Qualifying Committees of your advisor’s advisees.
Annually, the scholarship holders must elect three classmates:
a) a scholarship holder to be a graduate student representative before the PPGEL Coordinating Committee;
b) a scholarship holder to be a graduate student representative before the PPGEL Scholarships Committee;
PhD scholarship holders elected for these positions will become eligible to a re-election or an election for another position.
For scholarship holders still in the process of writing their dissertations/theses, the scholarship will be cancelled if the Qualifying Exam has not been scheduled timely so that the submission of the copies of the dissertation/thesis and the scheduling of the Defense can occur in the 24th month from the enrollment in the Master’s Program or in 48th day from the enrollment in the PhD Program.
A scholarship holder IS NOT ALLOWED TO extend the deadline for the Defense and must submit the copies of the Dissertation/Thesis to the Defense Committee until the 24th day from his/her registration date in the Master’s Degree Program and the 48th day from his/her registration date in the PhD Program.
The scholarship is considered an award, taking into consideration the dedication, commitment and academic production of the applicant. In case of failure to perform the activities or lack of compliance with Program deadlines, the scholarship will be suspended or cancelled.
Scholarship Committee
Fabiane Cristina Altino (Coordinator)
Viviane Aparecida Bagio Furtoso
Wéllem Aparecida de Freitas Semczuk - student
Wéllem Aparecida de Freitas Semczuk - student